Ep. 2: Groundhog Day with Stephen Goldmeier

Stephen's feet at the Gateway Film Center's annual Groundhog Day Marathon.
Stephen’s feet at the Gateway Film Center’s annual Groundhog Day Marathon.

After having watched the film “literally figuratively” 100 times together — by my count, at least 37 — the “ostensibly non-religious” Stephen Goldmeier and I sit down to talk about Harold Ramis’s 1993 classic comedy Groundhog Day in terms we’ve never really articulated to one another even over all that time. Along the way we talk philosophical and religious interpretations of the movie, philosophical and religious interpretations of the term “post modern”, and the comfort and camaraderie of ritual, religious or otherwise.

Ep. 1: The Last Temptation of Christ with Br. Thomas Stama

Br. Thomas Stama

In the first episode of Cinema Credo, Adam talks with Christian monk Thomas Stama about Martin Scorsese’s controversial 1988 adaptation of Nikos Kazantzakis’ equally controversial 1955 novel The Last Temptation of Christ. Along the way they talk about the humanity of Jesus, works of Helmut Koester and N.T. Wright, and all things working together toward redemption.